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Hiring is no rocket science. But let’s be frank, it’s no walk-in-the-park either. 

Especially when you’re part of a small recruitment team, the hiring struggles get even more unnerving with time. Small staffing firms or small in-house hiring teams are low on resources and budget. When things go south and hiring turnaround time gets stretched, they have to bear hiring costs even more than they had anticipated. Overall, it creates a mess for recruiting managers and an (often) overlooked loss for the company.

To make hiring more effective, certain, and faster– recruiters must look for other ways to change how they’re working. Instead of hopping around the new hiring platforms, they must fix the underlying shortcomings in their hiring process. Let’s find out how you can do it.

How Can You Fix the Shortcomings in Your Recruitment Process?

The best way to unjam the moving parts of your recruitment process is by treating it as a project. 

A hiring process filled with random decisions often gets chaotic and confusing with time. Eventually, it leaves you with slow hiring speed, piling up client deadlines, and unfulfilled hiring targets. 

To fasten things up and get your targets fulfilled, you must treat your hiring process as a complex project. A project with preconfigured deadlines, multiple stakeholders, and moving parts.

In this brief blog post, we’re going to tell you why exactly you should treat your recruitment as project delivery and how you can do that. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Treat Hiring as an Operational Project

We discussed the importance of operating your hiring as a project. Let’s find out the exact 5 reasons behind this argument.

Here are 5 major reasons why you should start dealing with your hiring as an operational project:

  1. Only applicant tracking isn’t enough

Applicant Tracking System helps you filter out the candidates and track their progress in a hiring cycle. But it doesn’t precisely hold onto the info on other aspects of your hiring process. 

  • What steps you took to filter out the candidates properly, 
  • What kind of questionnaire and assignment worked, 
  • How exactly did you negotiate the salary successfully
  • Which platform worked the best for you, etc.

Hence, apart from tracking the applicants, you must start operating your entire hiring nexus as a full-fledged project. You need to make every hiring step evident and transparent. Know which action led to what outcome and apply this to your next hiring spree.

  1. Avoid double work

Sometimes it can happen that two recruiters from the same hiring team contact the same candidate. They both let the candidate proceed through their hiring pipelines. Only to realize later that they’re doing double work and investing 2X of the time they were supposed to spend on a candidate. 

Such incidents create a bad reputation for your firm in front of the candidate and also slow down your hiring process. 

When you manage your recruiting operations as projects, you get a clear picture of your hiring pipeline. You can view each step of the hiring process clearly. Which recruiter is approaching which candidates, what is the progress on each candidate, etc? 

This helps you reduce double work and make your hiring process concise and certain. No guesswork, no repetitive tasks, hence productive hiring.

  1. Make data-driven hiring decisions

Managing your hiring as a project gives you clarity over your actions and outcomes at each hiring step. You can collect and keep this data for your next hiring spree and take more certain data-backed decisions. 

This way you can eliminate the hiring turnaround timings and can keep the quality talents in the loop longer. This will increase the chances of you hiring those quality talents and get your hiring objectives fulfilled.

  1. Collaborate effectively with recruiter colleagues

A proper project management system lets you collaborate with your teammates on every task. Better collaboration makes the entire process transparent & everyone has an idea what’s going on and what to do. 

You can tell if you’re already in contact with a certain candidate or discuss what should be your next move, etc. This makes the entire process clean and with zero guesswork. 

  1. Task-based approach

When you manage your hiring process as a project, you can break down the complicated job requirements into small tasks and sprints. Smaller goals makes the process simpler and more achievable. It reduces ambiguity and helps you move fast in your hiring. 

Task-based approach in hiring helps recruiters maximize their productivity. And hiring productivity is directly linked to their hiring performance, meeting deadlines, and achieving hiring targets. Also, it helps you provide excellent recruiter experience to your candidates too. Hence, it’s a win-win for everyone.

How Resource-Strapped Recruitment Firms Can Operate their Hiring as Projects

If you’re just starting out and want to keep it minimal, you can track your hiring steps on spreadsheets or can use a project management tool.

But since a recruitment process is much more complex than managing a usual project, even a project management tool can become daunting and confusing when used for hiring.

To solve the problem of slow and tangled hiring processes, we have created HiringMaster. HiringMaster is a hiring management tool that helps client-facing and deadline-driven businesses operate and visualise their hiring process like a project. It helps them create a step-by-step hiring roadmap so that they can cut out the unyielding tasks and focus on the critical ones.

Make hiring superfast and effective with HiringMaster

What Hiringmaster do?

HiringMaster is a hiring management tool that helps you operate your hiring as project management by simplifying the process into actionable tasks. You can track, collaborate, and visualise your hiring in real time, keeping away from messy spreadsheets.

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Even with a powerful headstart, the hiring process can become complex and chaotic with time. It becomes extremely tough to keep track of every step without a proper project management system. Hence, you must start analyzing your hiring process with a magnifying glass. A hiring management system can be your magnifying glass. 

Or if you’re not willing to invest in a hiring management tool for now, you can create a DIY hiring management system with spreadsheets and a project management tool. Focus on maximizing efficiency to get better hiring results.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. Till the next time, good luck!

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